Coach Gene

Get Lean with Gene

Let’s Get 1% Better Today. Tap In. ✔️🔥




Complete the form

It’s time to get real results. Complete my training form and let’s get to work.


Wait to be contacted

You will receive a message from me within 24 hours.


You are all set

Next step is to book a call to discuss your fitness goals and game plan on how I can help reach them

What do

you get?

Workout plans made for you

Tailored to meet your goals with efficiency and effectiveness.

Your own meal plan

A nutritional plan to optimize results will keep you full and energized.

We track your progress together

Weekly check-ins and progress tracking made easy.

Continuous communication

24/7 Assistance. We are in this together. Let’s work.

Workout plans made for you

Tailored to meet your goals with efficiency and effectiveness.

Your own meal plan

A nutritional plan to optimize results will keep you full and energized.

We track your progress together

Weekly check-ins and progress tracking made easy.

Continuous communication

24/7 Assistance. We are in this together. Let’s work.

A mockup of the coaching app showcasing the features.
A picture of the coach squatting

Why you should Tap

In ✔️🔥 with me?

I believe that taking control of your health is the best decision you will ever make. I take a results driven approach to health and fitness in all angles of nutrition, exercise, habits and even your sleep. My workouts are efficient and effective, giving the quality you need in 1-hour or less to give great results. My online coaching helps you become a greater version of yourself, understand your body, identify your habits, and create a sustainable healthy lifestyle.

I help men and women transform their body in 90-120 Days. I offer HIIT, Strength, and Weight Loss Training. The benefits of training with me online is that you are guaranteed results if you do the work. Whether it’s fat loss, muscle gain, or weight loss, I have helped people all over the world for the past 4 years reach their fitness goals. If you’re a beginner or someone who is looking to get back physically and mentally fit, this is PERFECT for you.

A picture of the coach flexing
A picture of the coach lifting weights
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